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The Henry

Keeping Children Safe Online and in the Community




BBC BITESIZE - ESAFET - Great advice from the BBC on everything from status updates and false information to phishing and firewalls.


NATIONAL CRIME AGENCY/ CEOP - This is a very good website with advice specific to Child Sexual Exploitation and run by National Crime Agency CEOP command (Child Exploitation and Online Protection).  This website is underpinned by the latest intelligence from CEOP so is always up-to-date on current risks online.  It offers practical advice for both children and parents and carers.




NSPCC - Really good website recognising that it can be hard to talk to your child about online safety.  This website offers a range of information and advice on everything from setting up parental controls to advice on sexxting, online games and apps and sharing personal information to help  you understand the risks and keep your child safe.


NET AWARE - A joint website from O2 and NSPCC bringing together their areas of expertise to help you keep your child safe online.  Lots of up-to-date information and top tips on online safety during lockdown including information on conferencing apps such as ‘zoom’ and ‘teams’.


NATIONAL ONLINE SAFETY - Mainly aimed at schools this organisation does offer some good online training for parents who want to learn more about online safety including information on persuasive design, fake profiles, and spending money online.  Well worth a look if you want some in-depth   advice.



CEOP/PARENTZONE - A great website from a collaboration with CEOP and Parent Zone providing support and advice to parents with contributions from  leading experts and organisations in matters related to young people and families and the digital world. The ‘Internet Legends’ will be familiar to students as we use it at Henry Beaufort.



HAMPSHIRE CONSTABULARY - A brilliant educational resource from Hampshire Constabulary offering free advice for parents on the law and on parental support across a number of issues that may be worrying you from  anti-social behaviour, drugs, sexting, consent, teen relationships and abuse,   knife crime.