Maths Inspiration

On Tuesday 5th November, the Maths Department were able to take 15 Top Set Year 10 Mathematicians to the Maths Inspiration Show held at the Theatre Royal in Portsmouth. The show was the chance for the students see real life applications of maths and participate in some fun, interactive audience quizzes. They heard from some of the most inspiring and creative speakers who have a love of communicating maths in exciting and original ways.
Three guest speakers gave talks about:
Statistics and Misleading Data, how this can lead to some advertisers and newspapers using statistical data in dishonest ways.
The World of Computer Game Designers and the issues around the use of maps for gamers.
And finally, we heard about getting things wrong in maths and the ‘Theory of Intuition’ which can often lead us to make incorrect assumptions about the answer to simple mathematical problems.
The students all said the show was a great success with many talking about their theories to what they had learnt on the journey home.
All of the students were outstanding and a credit to The Henry Beaufort School.